
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Kids Behind the Blog-- May 2017

It's that awesome time again... time to try to understand the inner workings of my kids' minds with a just a few random prompts. Your guess is as good as mine as to what comes out of their little mouths!

FYI - C is a newly minted eight year old and A is 'techmacally" five. (her exact words)

If you had a magic tree-house that could take you anywhere in the world where would you go?
C- Paris... or like umm Italy
A- Either Trinidad or that place where we went close to Legoland and we got sugared strawberries. (I eventually realised that she was talking about Yogen Fruz- a chain where you choose your fruit and they mix it up with fro yo)

(Sidenote, all of these options sound wonderful to me)

Finish this sentence…red rover, red rover…
C_ perplexed expression 
A- (Full disclosure, I didn't even try this one with A, I cut my losses early) 
What is your best childhood memory?
C- Serious consideration: when Kavir came to Canada (this was when my brother, his wife and son came to Canada for a year-- my heart broke a little with this one)
A- Elin (her bestie) and Kylin (her other)

What is your favorite part about nature and being outside?
C- I just like--- outside gives me a nice feeling inside
A- I like playing outside in the summer-- and we need summer to grow the vegetables otherwise we won't be able to have  vegetables to eat)

 What do you think Mommy would like for Mother’s Day?
C- a card and a painting....from me.  
A- french toast and cupcakes

(I'm not going to lie- one of my daughters knows me better than the other!)

Also, guess who got glasses on Monday! ?
Okay two of us did...

And one decided to try out some frames-- you know, for future reference...
Linking up with Beth and some other lovelies for the kids behind the blog!


  1. You both look so cute in your new glasses! Cute answers this month too.

  2. Pretty girl in those glasses! That Red Rover question was a fun addition just to keep those kiddos on their toes. It is really stumping them young and old.

  3. Aw this is so sweet! Haha I love the answer about the frozen yogurt place and cupcakes and french toast! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  4. Carbs for Mother's Day sounds great to me!

  5. I love their answers about where they would go! I'm with them. My kids had no idea what Red Rover was, either. I tried to explain and my tween told me that was so not in anymore.

  6. I would happily take french toast and cupcakes for Mothers day. :) The glasses look great on both of you. Emma just recently got reading glasses.

  7. This is too sweet! And french toast and cupcakes? YES please <3
    Green Fashionista

  8. haha their answers are just too cute!! Love what the outside does for C! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  9. French Toast and cupcakes sounds pretty good to me, now to just get the kids to make it for me, hehe. Happy Mother's Day!

  10. Aww, this is so cute! Love the answer "outside makes me feel good inside". Your girls are precious!

  11. I think A's isdea about French toast and cupcakes is brilliant😁


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!