
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Kids Behind The Blog- Let's Talk Love

Also known as the one time for the month the kids sit and contemplate questions and the meaning of life. 

Here are their answers to all things love... As a reminder, C is almost eight and A is four and a half (the half is very important)

What does the word 'love' mean to you?

C- Ummm (looking incredibly uncomfortable)... like you have a feeling for someone.
A- Ammmmm.... heart 

How do you want to spend Valentine's Day

C- making cookies and valentines
A- maybe give Julia something as she gives me timbits everyday. 

Girlfriend's first knitting master-piece! Better than I could do!

DO you have a Valentine? Who?

C- (another confused look)--- Ummm Anjali!
A- Do we celebrate Valentines? Do we celebrate everything? Whyyy?   What's a Valentine / Oh, Julian.... I mean Julia

(Julia is this girl in her dance class who shares her timbits/donut holes--- aka-- her new bestie)

How many days in February

C- 28!
A- Ummmmmmm none as it's February already... how many more days until Valentines?

How do you show someone you love them?

C- hug and kiss them
A- I like Julia. 

(yeah the timbits are the key to her heart)

Linking up with Beth and some other lovelies for the kids behind the blog!

As a total side note, A brought her first home reading book home this week. A huge milestone in her little school and this Mama's heart is so, so proud!


  1. Baha ha! I think Julia might be on the fast track to being her new BFF. I love hearing what your sweet girls have to say.

  2. Precious topic with precious girlies! I love these kinds of posts and they are sweethearts just like her mama!

  3. So cute! Timbits are the way to my heart too :)

  4. This could not be any cuter! And making cookies on Valentines Day sounds like the perfect idea <3

    Green Fashionista

  5. Your girls are hilarious! This is such a fun post!

  6. How sweet! I just love reading your girls' answers! My son is eight. Instead of wanting to make cookies on Valentine's Day, this boy wants to play xBox.

  7. Your younger girl has some really cute answers there! LOL!

  8. Lol, A's answers! Whhyyy do we celebrate everything? It's a valid question.


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!