
Friday, December 9, 2016

festive favourites!

If Fridays by themselves aren't good enough, aren't December Fridays the best. So full of fun and festive! Here are some random bits of joy around here.

1- I finally put some stockings up. This year we neither have a mantle or proper staircases to put the stockings on so command hooks on our fireplace to the rescue. I seriously love those things. No punching holes in your walls or anything. 

2- To the random cashier who carded me at the liquor store, I love you. 

3- A new baby in the family who we really hope to see this weekend! And a new baby nephew from Trinidad who I'll see in less than a month's time.... Oh and another three year old nephew who I haven't seen since July. #boyfix.

4- Our family tree vs. my kids' tree. 


For more of our decor, check here.

5- This top has caught my eye for the holiday season. With a statement necklace (my seven y.o. would say 'obvi')

That's a wrap. Hope everyone has an awesome weekend filled with spatula licking ;-)

Oh and one last thing, wouldn't it be cool if we all brushed our teeth like this? Kiddo is getting her two minutes in, that's for sure!

Linking up with 
AndreaErika and Narci for Favourites on Friday
Amy for Hey Friday
  and Amanda for Friday Favourites


  1. Your family tree is gorgeous girl - so pretty! Love that OTS top - I say get it!! Happy Friday! xo, biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Ha, totally wish I could brush my teeth on a counter, too cute!! LOVE your tree and the kiddos tree too...precious!! Happy December festive weekend doll!!

  3. Reading a book and brushing the teeth- love that!

  4. Your girls' tree is the best. Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Yay for new babies! Love both of your trees and that the girls have their own! And lol about getting carded, I get just as excited. Happy Friday <3
    Green Fashionista

  6. The trees! I love how the kids decorated;)

  7. Beautiful tree and beautiful family !

  8. Brushing my teeth on the counter should be an option for me too!!! Your decor is beautiful. To licking more spatulas! xo

  9. Your tree is gorgeously decorated...puts mine to shame. lol

    I'd say that's a creative way to brush one's teeth but at least she's reading and learning in the process. Multitasking from young!!

  10. That tooth brushing book seems like something Marissa would do. That girl ALWAYS has her nose in a book!

  11. The brushing & reading is pretty much my childhood in a nutshell. I would read while doing EVERYTHING. Even walking! The original texting & walking I suppose. ;)

  12. December Fridays are the best Fridays! And I'm laughing so hard at that tree comparison.

  13. Spatula licking - one of my absolute favorite parts of the season ;) We don't have a mantle either, our stockings are hung on the bookcase. Command hooks would open up a whole new world of possibilities though.


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