
Monday, October 31, 2016

Weekending- Divali 2016 and Halloween Mad Rush!

Happy Monday and Happy Halloween, lovelies! My two littles are so, so excited for today from their costumes, to breakfast for dinner to ALL the sugar they will be having!

This weekend was a hectic one with Divali first (The Festival of Lights) and then getting things ready for Halloween (the Day of Darkness). Deeyas and ghosts don't exactly mix so yesterday was a mad rush! Coupled with my back totally being very messed up all weekend, it was crazy!

Divali on Saturday was lovely with our prayers at home and then a family blessing and meal at D's aunt's house... oh and I had to squeeze in a chiropractic and massage appointment in.  It was great to have all day off to celebrate Divali. Back in Trinidad where I grew up it was a public holiday so in Canada, I usually keep my kids home and D takes a few hours off. 

 She was soooo excited to eat all the goodies after our blessing at home.

As my back was achy, my photo taking was not the best but I managed to take just a few. D's aunt had her A-game on as per the norm for the Divali decor. 

All dressed up and feeling fancy!

I took no pictures of our delicious meal or our wonderful hosts. It seriously looks like it was just us four in these pics but there were eight more! 

We take one of these every year. I'm so glad we didn't forget to this year :-)

We headed home late that night as we knew the next day was going to be a busy one at home.Then as I overdid it the day before, I was almost a write off with my back barely managing to put up very few decorations, do a couple loads of laundry, roast some pumpkin seeds and order a pizza for dinner! Still a fun time though.

All eager and ready to go...

At this point, my kids totally lost interest and  left D to carve all by himself.

He did a pretty good job though.

A few spiced seeds later, everyone was in their pumpkin pj's and ready for bed :-)
Linking up with   

Friday, October 28, 2016

I'm not here today....

Instead I'm here as the Featured Friday Blogger  on The Blended Blog. Go take a read. Oh and if you're visiting from The Blended Blog, welcome! Hope you'll stay a while!

This week on the blog you can get caught up on:
My new morning go to: Healthy Pumpkin Oat Bars ( I threw some chocolate in, just because)
What's Up Wednesday
Weekend Fun

Happy Friday, lovelies!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Healthy Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Bars

I'm all about the oatmeal bars for breakfast these days. It packs a filling, nutritious, low fat  punch to start your day off right.  It's also a great pre or post workout fuel. A well-plated recipe adapted by me.


2 1/4 cups quick cook oatmeal
 1/2 cup oat flour (I just blend oatmeal to make the flour)
1 1/4 teaspoons baking powder
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg (optional)
1 tablespoon vanilla
3/4 cup pure pumpkin puree (NOT pumpkin filling)
1 cup milk of choice (I've used both 2% and cashew)
1 banana
1/3 cup pure maple syrup 
2 tablespoons all natural nut butter
1/2 cup desired mix-ins: chopped nuts, dried cranberries, chocolate chips, raisins, coconut etc. (I usually use 1/4 chocolate chips and 1/4 nuts)

1- Blend just over 1/2 cup of oatmeal to make your oat flour

2- Mix the oat flour with the oatmeal, baking powder, spices and mix-ins. Stir well.

3- Blend all the wet ingredients together- the pumpkin, milk, banana, maple syrup and nut butter together until creamy (I used my Vitamix)

4- Slowly mix the wet and dry ingredients together until well combined.

5- Coat at 8  by 8 pan with cooking spray and add ingredients to pan.

6- Place in 350 degree over for 20- 25 minutes until cooked. 
7- Let cool in the pan and then cut into pieces. These can stay out at room temperature for a couple days but I usually refrigerate. 

(Makes 16 small bars or eight large ones)

These also are wonderful as an after school snack for hangry kids. I give my kids the small ones as snacks and the big ones are wonderful for a very filling on the go breakfast.

Linking up with Amanda.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

What's Up Wednesday- October 2016

The last Wednesday of October. How did that get here so quickly Here's what's we've been up to around here.

 What we're eating this week?
Even though we are off the 21 day fix-- the raw veggies, fruit, lean meats and clean carbs are still lingering around here with a few cheats. We brought back some Trader Joe treats from the US and those mini chocolate cookies with some pumpkin spice cookie butter have been awesome!!! 

What I'm reminiscing about
Not a whole lot to be honest. This life of ours has us pretty busy!

What I'm loving
That Cassia and her violin playing have really taken off. It's all about the practice, friends... and the threats/ bribes :-)
Oatmeal bars. A great, filling breakfast.I'm going to try to post a recipe soon.
That the house is scattered with pumpkins everywhere!
How much A has taken to her little ballet class. She asks me to go ALL the time. 
My first visit to Nordstrom Rack-- how have I not been to this place before?!

What we've been up to…
 School, extra curricular, family and friends time and laundry like 10 people live in our house

What I'm dreading…
The COLD weather is coming and I'm feeling it in my bones already!

What I'm working on
+ Taking a couple rooms each month and getting stuff all sorted out.
+ Getting ready for Divali and Halloween. 
+ Clean eating-- a daily struggle when I just want to bathe in cookie butter 
+ Getting A to read- slow and steady and lots of mama patience.

What I'm excited about…
We have two mini getaways planned in November to Great Wolf Lodge and I have a night away with some girlfriends
ANd Trinidad right after Christmas to visit family and friends. I cannot wait!

What I'm watching/reading…
Our second neighbourhood book club meeting is today to discuss "The House on Mango Street". This has been a short story but it's taking me a looong while to get into it. I still haven't finished it!

I'm up to date on Scandal (last season's finale is a shocker!!!) and now I'm on season 2 of Downton Abbey. LOVE!

What I'm listening to..
The radio and the latest hits with two little song-birds in the back seat  belting out their tunes and misconstrued lyrics. 

What I'm wearing…
The leggings and jeans have come out along with some thicker tops and tunics!! I've even busted the winter jackets and cardy-uggs out on some especially cold days.

What I'm doing this weekend…
Divali is on Saturday so we head to some family's house for prayers and a delicious meal!And then on Sunday we have a mad rush to get the house ready for Halloween (the Festival of Lights and ghosts and ghouls don't exactly go hand in hand)

What I'm looking forward to next month..
See what I'm excited about above. Oh and starting to get Christmas prep in order :-)

What else is new?
Apart from my cross border purchases of a few new household items and little fall fashion finds for the girls, not a whole lot!

What's my favourite Halloween picture/memory/tradition?
My first baby in her first Halloween costume has got to be my favourite!!

 Linking up with the lovely Mel, Shay and Shaeffer

Monday, October 24, 2016

Weekending Fun

Such an awesome weekend filled with friends and fun. Here's a bit of what we were up to:

+ Had Friday dinner, awesome apple crisp and a super long playdate with A's BFF, Raven. Despite some toys and pumpkins and casual injuries, a good time was had by all.

+ Woke up bright and early on Saturday for our girls' outing to Buffalo with my friend Jenn and her sister. Target, Trader Joe and Nordstrom Rack were a few of our favourite stops. Got some fabulous finds for our little fashionistas-- pewter boots, shooties, leg warmers and a moto jacket for the win.

+ We came back to have appies for dinner and then go to see the musical "Footloose" at our local theatre.  A wonderful performance with some amazing talent. 

+ On Sunday morning, we had a family breakfast and the girls thought it was Christmas morning with their Splashings (Shopkins are so last season!)

+ We went to A's friend's 5th birthday party-- a mermaid party with actual mermaid costumes to swim in! Some little girls' dreams came true.

+ We then headed to the after party at their house after for drinks, appies and a Portuguese dinner. 

One of those weekends when nothing at home got done, I might be coming down with something, I have half of a book to read before my bookclub on Wednesday but loads of fun was had by all!

Happy Monday, lovies!
Linking up with   

Friday, October 21, 2016

Friday FIVE

It's Friday!!! Bits of random. Bits of happy. 

1- I'm loving Zara and their fall/holiday  line up. I snagged these the other day for the girls and they are so pretty--- technically, I snagged them and my mom gifted them as their holiday dresses this year-- it has to be a collaborative effort recently. I have to choose the ones I like then pass it by C to get her yay or nay-- 7 year olds can be very picky. Thankfully, we agreed upon this one. 

 I also got this top for myself  during our Bay Days for a great price. For the Americans, The Bay is probably akin to Macy's .

2- I've started Downton Abbey and I am loving the drama, the saga and the characters. Mary & Captain Cromwell, Carson and his rules, Anna-- I love them all-- oh except for Thomas and O'Brien. 

3- My seven year old told us she doesn't want to move away for college and she will live home all her life--- as she wants Daddy to be able to tuck her in forever. I have it recorded so I'll be sure to show it to her in ten years time. 

Sidenote: Daddy didn't tuck her in here. 

4- In other news, check this monkey climbing up the climber at Cassia's school-- on a day I kept her home because she was 'sick' no less!!

5- So excited to have a girls' day tomorrow where we do some cross border shopping and then head out for dinner and to see Footloose at a local theatre!

Have a wonderful weekend, friends!
Linking up with 
AndreaErika and Narci for Favourites on Friday
Amy for Hey Friday
  and Amanda for Friday Favourites

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Apple Picking Adventures

My parents, my girls and I managed to make it out a couple weeks ago to Brantwood Farms for some afternoon adventures in apple picking. This was my parents' first time and one of them got a little carried away---- more on that later. Here are just a few pictures of our time at the orchards. 

First off, the kids had some fun at the Fall Festival. 

We have a three and a four footer this year!

A little face painting

 The Storybook corner or "haunted house"#reallynotreally

It was around this time we missed my dad but we thought nothing of it. He wanders off on his own a lot. After a long time though, he reappeared with twenty pounds of apples-- yep, he had gone apple picking without us. He was very pleased with himself, thinking that he was being all efficient and helping out by trying out the different types of apples and selecting the sweetest varietal. My seven year old however, less than pleased! To avoid a melodramatic tear sesh (which I totally understood), we bought another bag and more picking ensued. 

I'm usually the photographer but here I am! Thanks, mama.

We ate lots and lots of apples that day-- and maybe a couple apple cider donuts too ;-)

Our spoils--- we're still munching our way through them. The girls have two tiny ambrosias a day and they have not been to see the doctor since :-)

Fall IS fun!