
Thursday, August 4, 2016

Road-trip to Rochester

This past weekend was a long one in Canada so with our friends, another family of four, we headed out to Rochester. It was a beautiful weekend filled with sunshine, fun, a bit of hangry and a smidge of shopping.

We headed out bright and early on Saturday morning. This 3.5 hour trip was a bit of prep for the 9 hour trip to NYC we'll be doing soon. The girls were great along with the help of the iPad, some books, snacks and the British voice on my friends' GPS that A loved imitating.

After a quick mall pit-stop (very quick: bathroom break and a kettle/perfume purchase) we met our friends at a restaurant in Charlotte, NYC where we had lunch at a Waterfront restaurant. We then walked to Ontario Beach Park where we had some famous Abbott's frozen custard. The kids went on an antique carousel and the ladies took a long stroll on the Pier.

In the afternoon, we dropped the kids and dads off at the hotel and then headed to Target for just a bit of cross border shopping. We then picked up our families and headed to PF Changs for dinner where 8 cranky, hangry people had to wait over an hour to be seated. Dinner was delicious but right after that, we called it a night.

The next day, we headed to the Finger Lakes for a long drive and we stopped at two wineries for a some tastings. We've been to the Finger Lake regions before and we love a few of their wineries.

The Strong Museum of Play, our next stop, was definitely the highlight of the trip for the kiddos (and a couple adults). So many toys from so many generations and so little time. Think old school video games, loads of sensory play, a whole sesame place, a miniature town with a 'real-life' grocery and so much more. We could have easily spent a couple more hours there.

This was a kaliedoscope  hall that A walked through.
I made a quick stop at Trader Joe's for my healthy snacks to transport across the border and to buy some simple food to make for dinner after the long day the kids had. We hung out at the hotel, cooked and swam for a bit.

The next day it was a quick stop to the mall and then we headed back home.

Such a wonderful outing for our little crew!

Linking up with Annie and Amanda.



  1. So jealous you go my got to go to Target!

  2. TARGET!!!! Lol! 3.5 hours ins't bad at all and it looks like you had SO much fun. We are taking at 13 hour road trip in September and I am TERRIFIED! That is a LONG time in the car.

  3. What a fun getaway. Love all the pictures.


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