
Friday, July 1, 2016

July! Friday! Summer!

It's Canada Day here! Long weekends all around!

 Here are some random bits of happy in our daily lives.

1- School's out! A's last day was last week and C's was this Wednesday. Bring on the summer fun! This year I couldn't resist the sales going on in BBW ( I almost never can) so I picked up these candles and some chocolates for A's teachers and some tiny ones for the principal, admins and crossing guards in both girls' schools. C's two teachers got these printables with gift cards. 

D is off next week too so it really does feel like the start of summer!

2- Our family friend Priya came to take me to lunch on Wednesday and brought me these flowers! My house screams summer with these beautiful blooms.

3- I joined the internet's watermelon pizza bandwagon and made these for the kids over the weekend as a pool time snack. Just berries and shredded coconut. Better than chips, right? We also had chips

4- My mama left yesterday and though we miss her, we are so happy that she got to spend such QT with us and help out so much. Whenever my parents come, it's always in a rush for birthday or the holidays so it was great spending nine days together. It was a wonderful start to the summer. And thank the Lord she was here when my brother's family left-- there would have been a whole lot of ugly crying going on! 
Oh and the coconut bread she made was using this recipe but with coconut milk instead of the water.

5- And speaking of my mom, she got us this ice bucket for the pool, I've been looking for one for a long time and this one was on major sale at Chapters for $20-- almost 60% off the original price! Can you not imagine filled with delicious beverages. The bottle opener is another nice touch!

Happy weekending, friends!

Linking up with 
AndreaErika and Narci for Favourites on Friday
Amy for Hey Friday
Amanda for Friday Favourites


  1. Watermelon pizza is such a fresh idea - I've never seen it before!! enjoy your long weekend as well! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Happy Canada day! That ice bucket is perfect. Enjoy the weekend :)
    Beautifully Candid

  3. that ice bucket is so cute and yes hello how come I do not know about watermelon pizza? Right up my alley and looks gorgeous. Speaking of gorgeous, I hope you have an amazing holiday weekend!

  4. Those are the prettiest orchids, I just LOVE the colors. We have lots of little watermelons growing in our garden. Can't wait to try watermelon pizza ourselves.

  5. I live the gifts you give the girls' teachers. I would love to be their teacher...

  6. You and your mom are such gorgeous ladies and her coconut bread sounds amazing! Even though she's gone it's great you now have the hubby and kids to spend the summer with.

  7. Those blooms are lovely! So sweet of you to get the admin and crossing guard gifts as well. I bet they're often overlooked. Happy Canada day!


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!