
Monday, June 20, 2016

Father's Day Weekend 2016

And just like that it turned into Monday! Here's a few snapshots from our weekend. 
On Friday, the girls and I were solo so we did swim lessons, ate leftovers, had a blind-folded taste test and watched The Princess Diaries.
 On Saturday:
+ a friend came to visit and help me out for a few days and was showing us how to tie a scarf around the kids (hands free indeed)
+ we ran errands and bought Father's Day gifts
+ I tried the 'pink drink'- we don't have strawberry acai in Canada so I subbed hibiscus berry. It really wasn't all that
+ C had her first book signed by an author.
+ D got his new bike
+ the girls went to a movie with my friend so D and I  headed to a patio for sangrias and appies
+ I made an orange berry bread- D did all the stirring

On Sunday:
+ we opened presents-- lego for the win
+ the orange bread was an awesome light breakfast
+ we headed to the Cambridge Mill for a champagne brunch-- oysters and crab legs for the win-- I always get my money's worth
+ C and I went for a nice  sweaty walk
+ we swam in the sweltering heat and drank some mojitos

Happy Monday, friends!

Linking up with  Biana


  1. So glad your husband had a great father's day and that you guys got some pool time in! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Your weekend looked so fun! You'll have to tell me more about the blind taste test though.

  3. Sounds like a perfectly lovely weekend! And they always go past so quickly.

  4. Blind folded taste test? Seems fun!

  5. Have you shared that orange bread recipe? It looks so good and yay for a new bike for D. Also what was the taste test about?! My kids would never trust me and do that. Can't say I blame them lol.

  6. Such a fun filled weekend, you can't beat swimming and the Princess Diaries! Glad your husband had a wonderful Father's Day <3
    Green Fashionista

  7. OH, I LOVE The Princess Diaries! It's one of my favorite movies! I can't wait until my little girl gets old enough to watch it!

  8. So much fun you had with the kids and that's great you and D had some alone time to enjoy brunch and some yummy cocktails. Sounds like D got spoiled on father's day from the girls.

  9. Yay Princess Diaries and you look soooo beautiful in blue!! ;-)

  10. I have to try this pink drink! Though I have no idea if it would even be available here where I live too



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