
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Weekending--- the one with the broken collarbone

The before-- 
all dressed out for a night out at a gala...

Amazing treats and eats....

And then.... I snagged my heel on the side of a wooden ramp,fell  and smashed my shoulder against a post.  Man, the pain was intense and something felt very weird on my right shoulder. Not fun, friends, not fun!

And the after....
In a handmade sling, with some ice and meds in the middle of the night. The pain was awful when I moved my arm any which way.

My friend Luisa came to watch the girls on Saturday morning while D and I headed to the ER to get it checked out. While lots thought it was an AC separation, it turned out to be fractured-- a 'nice' clean bone break in my right clavicle with very limited use of my right arm.... 6 weeks recovery, fracture clinic visits and lots of physio.... the biggest thing is no driving for a while-- which is huge for my life as my kids' chauffeur these days!

The venue sent me some flowers.

My brother and his wife also came to help us this weekend so very much. They BBQ'd and the kids went in the pool....


SO this is me for the next little could totally be worse!  My in-laws (praise the Lord) are coming to help us for a bit with the driving and cooking. Lots of physio and lots of rest for this arm so that the bone hopefully fuses. And lots of beachy hair as let's face it-- a blow-out needs two hands and arms :-)

( so does changing... and flossing!)

Good thing I have these!

Linking up with Beth and Biana
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  1. I'm so sorry! That's awful! You looked amazing though ;)

  2. Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry :( I hope you feel better SOON!

  3. Oh my lord! What bad luck to have this happen at the beginning of summer :( Take care, I hope you heal quickly!

  4. Oh my goodness, Sarita! I'm so sorry this happened! On the bright side, you looked gorgeous at the gala! Hope you heal quickly!

  5. Oh no!! So sorry to hear and that sounds like a painful injury. Your outfit was gorgeous but I know heels can be tricky with some venues. Thank goodness for family coming to help out. I hope your recovery is speedy :-)

  6. OH my goodness friend :(. First of all that sounds EXACTLY like something I would do, second of all I am SO sorry.

  7. sorry, that would not feel good at all. But I kinda like that blanket scarf sling. Très stylish.

  8. Oh my gosh you poor thing! I'm so sorry that you had to go through that and hoping for a quick recovery for you! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  9. Oh my goodness! I am so sorry to hear about your collarbone! What an awful way to end the night. I actually ended up breaking my collarbone a few weeks before my wedding in a similar manner so I know how you feel. Get better soon! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  10. I feel your pain, but you looked fabulous in that outfit, you both make a handsome couple, after nerve as you rightfully said bone pain is horrible, the kids look adorable!!!!

  11. You poor thing! And theres another reason why Ill be avoiding high heels... Thank goodness for family. Rest up love!

  12. So sorry about your arm! You're a trooper for lasting the night before going to the ER. On the bright side, beachy hair looks good on you :)

  13. OH man! That is rough! You looked super pretty though :) There's that. Glad that you have people to help you out!

  14. That is not fun! hope you heel very quickly!


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