
Friday, June 5, 2015

Friday Favourites

The girls are home for a couple days (parent teacher interviews) and even though they still have a week and a half again in school, we are ready for some summer fun. Time to start brainstorming on that bucket list.

Bike Riding

And our six year old is riding with no training wheels. Thanks to youtube (no training wheels and taking off the pedals, yo!), a very patient daddy and a determined little girl! This should make for some summer fun.

Summer Books

The new Judy Blume is out and on my Kindle! While I was at it, I also preordered some Elin and some Jennifer Weiner… and there's also E.L. James which I just might do as well… love me some light reading!

Family/Friends/ Fun

My brother, sister in law and nephew are officially booked to come to Canada for a year. I'm SO stoked for our families to spend lots of time together!! Also, my friend Jenn and her kids met up with me and mine yesterday and we had so much fun just going to the park, for lunch and for ice cream (or frozen yogurt as Cassia explicitly says). I can see tons of summer fun in the very near future

Favourite Pictures

And because I didn't get to post my everyday pics, here's what's been going on with us.

Day 148
My baby got bitten by a bug in the backyard! It looked like someone clocked her.

Day 149
Yeah remember this?! Well it actually did happen so because I just about freaked out and have been spending most of my time on it since. I didn't take any pics after I found out that day!

Day 150
We went to my friend Andrea's house last Friday and had some snacks and fun!

Day #151
Birthday Party #1

Followed by movie night at our neighbour's house. 
The adults had a drink in the next room.

Day #152
Our little ice skater got an award

Followed by Birthday Party #2

And then an impromptu dance party/BBQ at my friend Dani's house

Day 153
The day C learnt to ride her bike

Day 154
A and her teacher. I will be so sad when she leaves this class. Her teachers are the best!

She plows through corn like it's her job

Happy Weekending, friends!!

Linking up with: 
AndreaErika and Narci for Favourites on Friday
Amy for Hey Friday
Amanda for Friday Favourites

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  1. Happy Friday! Way to go, your little girl riding with no training wheels. That's awesome! That's great that your brother will be with you for a year. You guys are going to have so much fun and create some great memories. Have a wonderful weekend :) Winks and Eyerolls

  2. I was the same way with corn on the cob when I was little...ok so I still am ha. Cute pictures! Have a great weekend.

  3. Love the corn on the cob comment, my son is the same. Yay for summer, and all that comes with it!

  4. Im super excited to start implementing our summer bucket list too! Poor baby, thats a nasty bite :(

  5. Sounds like you got a great summer coming your way :)

  6. I can't believe you guys are still in school? When do you start your school year?

    Yay for no training wheels that is so awesome!


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!