
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Random Thoughts for Thursday

This post should be aptly named "a whole lot of nothing." Cause now that we're back to life and routine and the holidays are done, that's what it feels like but here we go.

Birthday Fun. 

It's ma' birthday month! I spend so much time on my kids' and D's birthday but totally ignore mine. #reallynotreally. Thankfully, sweet D steps up to the plate and makes it fun for me. This year, my parents (!) are coming in the day before and my dad is doing  my favourite things for my birthday dinner instead of the customary restaurant dinner…. he'll be busy 'cause I have lots of favourites! On the weekend after, a few of my people will be coming out with us for totally grown up dinner--- you know, the ones with no sippy cups, colouring books or kiddie menu?! In the meanwhile, I've been doing some online cross border birthday shopping courtesy of my parents and my D'. 

Other 'Fun'

The Christmas stuff is all packed away and the house is almost back to it's clutter free self. It's nice to have bare surfaces again. Unpacking is 1/3 of a way through. It took me like 3 days to unpack one suitcase this week with all my kids little trinkets and trash. Hopefully, the next two will be a bit quicker. In the meantime, I'm determined to squeeze some winter fun out of these desperately cold days- you know it's cold when your room temparature butter is too hard to spread.  Cue the lunches, playdates, movie nights and pizza making. I'm also thinking of a Valentines' playdate.

March Break Plans

D's off but we've got nothing planned for March break. Between the awful Chikungunya and crazy mad airline prices, prospects are very limited. I welcome any (affordable) suggestions. 

And because I've got a ton of these to show off….

That's what I got for you! Hope everyone has a wonderful day. 

Linking up with Salma, Raj and Nisha for Three Things Thursday.
And also with Annie and Nat for Thoughts on Thursday.

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  1. #reallynotreally, lol!

    Ummm yes I think every mama can agree with that. Have a fantastic day friend!

  2. First off that is not a whole lot of nothing lol. It's all great! As for trips...we've been keeping it fairly local since G was born. By that I mean we really don't travel over 4 hours in any one direction but this has allowed us to visit aquariums, zoos, and state parks; not to mention we've been able to eat at some really good restaurants.

  3. My mom came down with chikungunya back in October and she's only now feeling fully better. I'm a little scared for my two trips early this year.

  4. Thank you for the very sweet and lovely post

  5. Your birthday sounds like it's going to be so much fun!! xo, Biana

  6. Loved all these 3 things! Birthdays are the BEST and you deserve to be pampered :) Also, bare surfaces are awesome! Hmmm...suggestions for Spring're asking the wrong person. I love being home and a week off just hanging out here would suit me just fine! I hope you find somewhere to take more awesome pictures, though. Great one of your girls!

  7. Sounds like you're going to have a fabulous birthday! Must be fabulous to be turning 25 :) As for a vacation, what about a staycation? Maybe go to a hotel that has an indoor pool and other fun stuff and you could be tourist in your own town. Just a thought.


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