
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Thanksgiving weekend

Some weekends are just good for the soul. This past weekend was one of those. Three of my aunts and my mom came to visit us and spend our Canadian Thanksgiving weekend with us. To preface this, I should mention that my aunts are some of my favourite people (it kind of goes without saying that my mom is too). They have laughed with me, wiped my tears, cheered for my accomplishments and been distressed in my not so good times. Everytime we get together, we stay up until the wee hours of the morning chatting about anything and everything- I lifted that line straight out of one of my aunts' toast for my wedding.... so although I'm a little sleep deprived today, I'm very contented and very grateful we were all able to spend this time together!

We didn't do much this weekend. They just wanted to spend some time with us--- who am I kidding? Now it's my girls they really want to spend time with- I'm gravy. We just ordered in, cooked, ate (sense a theme here), had some wine, watched some TV, played with the girls and in general had a lazy, wonderful weekend. 

As with all weekends when I'm having fun, I forgot to take out my phone lots but here are a few of the weekend shots.

My mom bought the girls new Halloween jammies which they immediately put on.

My aunt Geeta and I headed to the famer's market on Saturday to buy stuff to cook for Thanksgiving dinner the next day. 

The downtown chocolate store

Just chilling out on Saturday night-- all the ladies. D was so outnumbered but was such a trooper!

Our family just before Thanksgiving dinner

My mom and her first granddaughter. 

The spread. Everything was so delicious. My aunt Vide is a marvellous cook and she did most of the cooking although we all chipped in so no one person would have too much work to do. 

How things have changed. D is giving pescatarianism a try for a year. This is his first year without turkey but he had quite the feast with crab stuffed mushrooms, lobster stuffed peppers and jumbo shrimp. Somehow, I don't think he missed it!

After dinner, C put on a Bollywood show for us. A long time ago, my aunt Sabi used to be a Bollywood dancer so she choreographed a short routine for C to do. 

Turkey makes everyone very sleepy.
(also, I will get in serious trouble for posting this!)

We stayed up until 2 am chatting that night and the next day everyone hit the road. We cleaned up a bit and then headed to my friend Mona's house for the evening. No pictures as I left my phone in the car.

Also, I got a Jawbone Up 24.... let the step counting begin.

Linking up 
with Biana for weekending
and for the Grateful Heart with Ember Grey

Happy Tuesday everyone!!


  1. Sounds like a great thanksgiving. It's a great time for family to come together. i'm looking forward to the US one next month :-) I look just like that on the couch after eating turkey every year.

  2. Looks like so much fun!!! The Bollywood dance pic is too cute. I LOVE Thanksgiving, can't wait for the US holiday :)

  3. Cute PJs! Glad you had some good family time!

  4. I I love the pjs! Everything looked wonderful! We'll be celebrating thanksgiving in a few weeks. Yay!

  5. How nice that your mom and aunt's came to celebrate with you guys. I love those late nights catching up with family. Sounds like the perfect weekend. And I think we need a little video of that dance! Love the photo :)

  6. Oh my gosh, the food and chocolate store look incredible!!

  7. Those pj's are SO cute!!! :) Your weekend was fabulous, so glad! Thanks for linking up, Sarita!


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