
Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday Favourites- Around the house

Happy Friday! Now onto business... and by business, I mean blogging #reallynotreally

This week, I'm just going to focus on a little this and that from around the house. 

Anthro' love

I'm always on the lookout for new and eclectic pieces for around the house. Check out this butter dish I found at Anthropologie this Mother's Day when they had all their stuff discounted.

I simply love Anthro's household line. Over the summer I changed the drawer knobs in my walk-in and the space is so much prettier now. There are so many options to really change a space- and when they do their 15-20% off, it adds up for purchases like this. 

And my morning does not begin without my tea in my Anthro jug mug. I gave these to family and teachers alike this year. 

I also got this beautiful tea-pot. What? Doesn't your teapot match your butter dish? #crazyladystuff

Kitchen Aid for the win

This one's not so pretty... except for the cool buttery yellow... but  doesn't a mini chopper make life so much easier.... Seriously, if you don't have one, spend the $20, you save so much time! 

Get 'er done

I am in love with my Mom's calendar. I got a 17 month calendar at the beginning of the school year. I use Cozi, this online app but I'm very visual so having this calendar up in a main area in our family room makes for a very organised mama. Like when the girls bring home their monthly calendar, instantly, I can write the day and type of snack, their field trips, when they need to bring stuff in and then toss all those stray pieces of paper instantly. Everything goes in there, all the extra curricular stuff, our weekend activities, D's on call schedule etc. I love this one from B&N but there are so many others to choose from.

There's even a dry erase weekly board included where you can input your weekly plans- meals, activities etc. 

Here it is in action

Which brings me to  these lovely markers to colour coordinate my calendar's activities. Ok, I might be a little obsessed. 
The Target ones were on sale for a quarter of the Sharpie's price and work equally well. 

Favourite moment of the week.

I was about to put A to sleep and she began to kiss me. We began to horse around, giggling hysterically  and kissing until finally I put her in a crib. Right before she went to sleep, she told me- "Mommy, you so funny." No baby, you so funny!


Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

Linking up with 
Andrea for Friday Favourites
Jenny for Friday Favourites
Amy for Hey Friday
Amanda for Friday Favourites


  1. I love the mugs and the calendar is a great idea!

  2. I think changing the drawer knobs is just a little change, but can totally change the look of a room or piece of furniture! I need that kitchen aid mixer!!! Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. I love Anthro! Your butter dish is awesome, so fun! I have the Kitchen aid mixer in that exact yellow. My mom gave it to me for Christmas a couple years ago. I love the homestyle look!
    Stopping by from Friday favorites!

  4. OMG! I LOVE Anthropologie! So cute! Also I love me some good organizing tools!

  5. I have the same Anthro letter mug on my desk at work!! Love that store so much!

  6. I love Anthropologie too and those mugs are always great as gifts. I've been giving them as teacher gifts the last few years :)

  7. I just love that butter dish! It's really time that I find a fun one instead of the plain glass one that I've had for years!

  8. Love that calendar! I need all the help I can get to stay organized. May have to invest in one!

  9. Love this!!! Oh how I need this. A total fall break project :)


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