
Friday, September 12, 2014

Favourites on Friday- a little of this and a little of that...

Happy Friday to one and all!  

The air is getting a bit brisk and though I am sad to put away my summer dresses and whip out the coats, I'm happy to get into all the comfy warmer clothes and the fun fall fashions. I'm burning the last of my summer candles and I will soon bust out these babies!! For all the reasons, I am going to getting to love fall too, click here.

Here we go with our weekly favourites once more.....

Favourite Video
This week has been a big week for videos from the awful Ray Rice stuff to the very odd Mike Tyson rant but my favourite is this little video on ending the the mom wars. I won't lie, as a momma I sometimes judge other moms... admit it, most of us do... and this  video encouraging moms to stop the comparing and start the encouraging is worth taking a look at. 

No Spend September
No spend September is still going very well. It's actually been easier than I expected. The TOMS sale on Zulily- torture! And the other day--- my earrings that I love in Target and wear very often were on clearance at Target--- well a different, beautiful fall orangy colour... I thought about it long and hard as it was less than $10 but in the end, I didn't cave. It was the principle after all. #firstworldproblems. If only I was so hardcore with sugar! 

Favourite Purchase (Last Month)
I got this amazing sign as a gift for D for our eighth anniversary in August. My friend Jenn has one and I fell in love with it. D loved it also. I don't have a proper place for it but in the meanwhile it's in our family/casual dining area.... and yes, I did blurr our last name out. 

Yes, I'm not spending this month but for those who are, Ebates is the best thing since sliced bread.... seriously, it's the best thing ever!!! It's basically cash back for spending at your favourite retailer. Most retailers sign up with ebates and you basically have to go through their site to your online shopping site of choice to get cash back. Takes minutes to sign up and there's really no catch! 

Back to Routine
So summer was a lot of fun, we messed with the routine and clean eating a bit but it's good to mix it up right. Well the other day, I weighed myself and holy, was I shocked! I guess wine, bread and sugar in a somewhat unmoderated setting is  not a good thing? I jumped back on the clean eating bandwagon so quickly, I almost broke an ankle. Granted, I'm not totally eating clean.... I'm still eating complex carbs and some sugar but getting there slowly. 

Linking up with Andrea for Favourites on Friday
Jenn for Favourites on Friday
Amy for Hey Friday
Amanda for Friday Favourites

And in case you're one of those who come here for these kissable faces!

post signature


  1. Ooh! I am going to try out Ebates! Thanks for the tip! Hope y'all enjoy your weekend!

  2. I've used eBates for years and it rocks! wish I was as strong as you with No Spend September. There are just SO MANY sales!! I'm too weak!

  3. I hear you on the clean eating ... except all I want to do now that it's cooler is bake, bake, bake!! Ahh! Any tips? You seem to be so disciplined!


  4. Hi, Sarita! It's so cool to find you through the Friday Favorites link-up today! I really like the idea of no-spending September. Way to stick to it! I hope you have a great weekend!

  5. Love that sign, it's beautiful!! Also GO YOU for not spending!! I was at Target a couple of days ago and also stayed strong... it was hard, but I did it!

  6. I agree with Kaitlin- cooler weather definitely makes me want to bake, preferably stuff with pumpkin in it! Not friendly to the clean eating plans at all! Congrats on doing so well on no-spend September!
    Gina - On the Daily Express

  7. Love that video. We all have moments of judgement... Is hard but important to encourage. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Way to go on the no-spend September. I've done a couple no-spending periods before--they always seem like the times when there is the most temptation to buy something a little extra, but it can be fun to challenge ourselves!

  9. Hey! I LOVE your no-spend September idea. I really need to do something like that! A good challenge :). And I've never done the Ebates thing but sounds great. And I love that sign, really cute! Have a fantastic day!

  10. No-spend September?? That WOULD be torture!! I'm proud of you!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, and I'm now following yours!

  11. Thanks for the comment on my blog!! Love your blog quote of course ;)

  12. Oh wow a "no spend September" huh?? Gosh, is that super hard?! I'm so addicted to shopping it's truly bad. Not to mention my love for clothes, especially with all the fall looks coming out!! Kudos to you sista for staying strong!

    And I gotta try out the ebates thing!

  13. I need to do a No spend rest of the year! haha! Love E-Bates, it's free money for shopping, who doesn't love it!

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Hearing from you makes me so happy!!