
Monday, August 25, 2014

I'm back!!!

We are back after a very fun, very hectic two weeks in NYC. I have lots to share and lots to post about from our road-trip down, to our girls' trip to Atlantic City, to all the family fun, to the barahee party (or sip and see) for my new nephew, to our anniversary in Manhattan.... So many pictures to sort out and so many memories to share.

For now though, I'm sorting through mounds of laundry, unpacking, organising the extra curricular for the new school year and detoxing from all the fun in NYC. In the meantime, we enjoyed just a few sweet summer moments of one of the last weekends in August. 

Two Sofias for the price of one!

Anjali to corn--- I love you so much, my sweet corn.
And then of course the corn fell on the grass. And then another piece fell... and then there were tears.

But ice-cream after the park helped the tears.

Happy Happy Monday!

Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending. 

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  1. those princess dresses are too cute! xo jillian - stop by! im hosting a great giveaway on cornflake dreams

  2. Kennedy loves Sofia too! Your girls are so precious! Can't wait to hear all about your trip!

  3. So sweet! Looking forward to hearing about your fun trip!


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!