
Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day weekend

Mother's Day weekend was a nice mix of family time and a little R&R- not that the two are mutually exclusive but with a precocious five year old and a twenty month old we like to refer to as 'tornado', you get my drift.

In the week preceding Mother's Day, Cassia informed me that it was Mother's week and she was going to help out as much a possible and treat me extra, extra special- Oh how I love those teachers of hers. She began to make plans for Mother's Day, telling her dad they would have to wake up extra early to make the day super special for me. She also made little gifts for me all week- little bracelets and cute cards and drawings. So sweet!

Onto the weekend....

On Friday, instead of our usual dining out or take out I made this amazing salmon. 

Here are the little ladies having some baked potato and fresh corn

So A loved this salmon-- it doesn't look that way here, but this is a huge flank of salmon and the piece cut out was eaten only by Anjali! 

We also watched a movie and as a family developed an unhealthy obsession with popcorners. 

On Saturday, we went to a make-up class for music. I don't know what it is about those Saturday classes but man are they hectic! The kids seem to have so much energy in the early morning.

Cassia picked me a bunch of weeds flowers on Saturday

D took his mom out for Mother's Day lunch on Saturday and me out for a nice relaxing dinner that night--- without the kids! Isn't that what Mother's Day is all about?!

We went to this great wine and tapas bar close to our house.

On Sunday, the plan was to sleep in but my little ladies were not having any of that.  Cassia woke me up to show me her present...

Isn't the picture frame very cute? 

I also got these cool presents!

The pic on the bottom right, is the Wen system that D's mom bought for me-- so far so good!

Pancakes are what we use to celebrate for every special occasion in this house

We were so blessed that Agee was here for Mother's Day. 
It was a sad day for her considering the couple months she has had but she's so strong and the kids kept her busy and entertained. 

Check out her C pancake

We also did some gardening. My mother in law and I did a herb garden I intend to use all summer long. 

C is apparently supervising the operations.

A tornado with her mama

Taking a break with what else---- popcorners of course!!

Mama's taking a break too

THis wine complimented a lovely simple dinner of steamed king crab legs, tossed salad fresh corn and truffle mashed potatoes. 

What a nice day!
Love my girls! And D and my mother in law for making it such a special day!

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