
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Grandparents are amazing!

When I first had Cassia, when I noticed how she treated my baby, I asked D's mom if she loves her grandchildren as much as her children. She replied-- more. She said that you look at your grandchildren, you see this miracle and you think 'did my child do this?'. My grandmother always told me that as well. As I can't imagine loving anyone more than I love my children, the verdict is still out on my end.

As I've written before, we were blessed to have two sets of grandparents here for the holidays. Yesterday, D's parents left. They spent about 5 weeks with us... longer than they've spent for the past few years. Though they'll miss the kids especially, I think the adults in our house will miss them more. As it was so cold out, we were indoors mostly so we spent lots of time together. We played games, cooked, chatted, shopped (my mother in law loves the mall), dined out maybe more than we should after the holidays, watched some irreverent TV (sorry mom) and just spent quality time together. The house is empty without my father-in-law on the phone and my mother in law and her great cooking.

My kids won't have the same access to grandparents that we had growing up. My family would visit my grandmother every single weekend. We would have Sunday dinner, great conversation and walk away with $5 as our second allowance for the week... I think my cousins nowadays get $20! More than that thought,  it was about family, tradition, respect and the wisdom of elders. My grandmother was there in our earlier years as our childcare when our parents went to work,  in the later years as a built in babysitter when we were sick and in the even later years as a supporter during our teenage and young adult angst. Up until now, my grandmother is one of my favourite people.

So what do we do? We rack up those frequent flyer miles and make the trip to TNT. Also, we load up the Lexus (D doesn't allow eating in the A4) and head down to NYC. In the meanwhile, our inn is always open for visitors!

Come back soon! XO

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