
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Christmas Quiz

It really is the most wonderful time of the year! I found this quiz on one of my favourite blogs Everyday Love and wanted to put my answers in as well! 

1.  When do you decorate for Christmas?  
I usually decorate in and around the last weekend of November.... Christmas decorating is so much work so I like to enjoy the festivity for at least 6 weeks.... everything comes down on January 6th. This year however, the last weekend of November was also the 1st weekend of December so the tree got put up a bit earlier. 

2. Real tree or fake tree? 
Fake-- I grew up with artificial....also I like to decorate early- remember?

3. On the tree....white lights or colored lights? 
White for sure! That way, if I ever decide to change my colour scheme again,  it's not going to clash.

4.  On the house...white lights or colored lights? 
I mix earthy white with the cool white. However, now Cassia and Darin  are both clamouring for coloured and I might be forced to cave one year

5.  What is your favorite Christmas drink?  
Darin's is ponche de creme or egg nog but that's too many calories for me. I like sorrel made from the sorrel plant- a spiced trinidadian drink. Oh and I love Peardrax- a fizzy pear drink during this time of year. ... And wine's good at any time of year too :-)

6.  What is your favorite Christmas dish?
This is a toss up. I am now a fan of the traditional turkey dinner with the bird, stuffing (I make a mean stuffing), potatoes  etc but I guess I would say it would have to be pastelles- a Trini dish similar to tamales

7.  What is your favorite Christmas movie?  
Hmmm---  I would have to say either The Holiday or Love Actually--- something about England and Christmas!

8.  What is your favorite Christmas song? 
I love all Christmas music but it changes from year to year... One of my all time favourites is Senor Santa Claus. And I have to listen to parang- a Trini blend of Latin music. 

9.  Christmas tree decorations....theme, modge podge, etc?
I used to do a different theme each before but I got sick of spending all this money all these different decorations and having to store after. Now, I  stick with dark red, bronze, gold, crystal and some green.... it's been quite insane this year trying to keep our tree intact though-- with the girls constantly redecorating. 

10.  Do you have any traditions with gifts? 
When we were kids, my dad would take my brothers and I to the bookstore to choose books as a present. It was always great to have books to read around the Christmas holidays, especially as TV was severely lacking in TNT at that time. Now, as well as a few other things, I like to buy D and my girls books for Christmas each year. 

11.  What is your favorite Christmas cookie?  
Definitely skor bars. I have to give them away when I make them. 

12. Have you ever experienced a white Christmas? 
Yes a couple times-- this is Canada after all but most of the time I've experienced hot, humid Christmases growing up in Trinidad.   

13.  What is the best gift you've ever received?
I would have to say it was this trendy lime green coat that Darin got me my first year in Canada. It's in the basement right now as it no longer fits--- it was an XXS and even then it was very fitted! However, when I was 14, my aunt from NY got me a bunch of dresses (I mean like about 10) in this beautiful box and that was also very special. 

14.  How do you usually spend Christmas Eve? 
In the past few years, we've spent it with our aunt from Mississauga at their home. We have a lovely dinner, a few drinks and last year, we even did some carolling- something I hope we repeat for years to come. 

15.  How do you usually spend Christmas Day?
Since I've been married, (with the exception of one) we've been blessed to spend Christmas with my parents. Now, Cassia usually wakes us up shrieking Merry Christmas! Then it's presents and tea/coffee. Then a big Christmas breakfast (fresh rolls, croissants, smoked turkey, pastelles) . We lounge around and my parents and I slowly get dinner ready. We usually eat around 4-5, have a few drinks and lots of sweet stuff. Then, we lounge around and chat/play games/watch movies.

16.  Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet? 
NO! I'm running late this year. 

17. What is your favorite Christmas memory? 
I have so many. I do remember when we were younger (I think I was a preteen) and my older brother and I tried to convince my younger brother that a Santa still existed so we made stockings full of goodies for the three of us. Also, when we were younger, my aunts from NY used to come to visit us and that always made the holidays special--- they're a fun group! Now, we have our own memories to make with Cassia. 

18. What Christmas candy can you not stop eating? 
Ferrero Rocher and Raffaelo- both are so decadent and always in our stockings. 
19. What is your favorite part of the holiday season (shopping, baking, getting gifts, giving gifts)? 
I really do love spending the time with our nearest and dearest--- chatting and laughing, eating and drinking. And one of my favourite me time traditions is wrapping presents while watching those lifetime

20. Do you have any Christmas traditions? 
Apart from the books, Darin and I have started going to the mall a few days before Christmas. We have a nice lunch first in a close-by restaurant, then we head out to the mall where I give him a few gift ideas (for me!). THen we separate and I spend some time running a few last minute errands while D gets his shopping done. 
With Cassia and Anjali, we now have Elf on the Shelf, visiting Santa, Christmas crafts and carolling... and many, many more for years to come. 

                   Feel free to copy the questions and join in the Christmas fun!  

1 comment:

Hearing from you makes me so happy!!