
Monday, November 18, 2013

Mommy and Me- A day in the life of Little Miss A

This week, I've decided to do my very first Mommy and Me post, linking up with Everyday Love and Dear Owen (for some reason I can't post the icon) I feel like technically everyday is Mommy and me Day in this house with my little one so it's only fitting that the first one focuses on our everyday activities . One of the very first posts I did was about Anjali's day. As with all babies, things sure have changed in 10 months. I know we'll forget and as remembering everything I can about my kid's young lives is one of the main reasons for this blog, I think an update is in order.

Our day begins about seven. Usually Anjali is the last to get up, she begins wailing and standing in her crib like a little Napolean. My guess is that she is starving... for company and food.

Getting her nose sprayed this morning. She hasn't decided how she feels about it yet.

We brush our teeth and head down for breakfast. As soon as she sits in her chair she is usually ready to go so she begins with Cheerios while I prepare whatever is on the menu. She eats everything- from toast to oatmeal to eggs to pancakes--- she is not fussy, just a little greedy :-)

Pictures?! Already? But it's barely 7 am!

After we change and bundle up, we head out to Cassia's school. 

Let's do this!

These two hold hands all the way to school. It is the cutest thing. When we get to Cassia's school and we take her inside- it's the most exciting part of the day for her. She stares around at everything and everyone.

So sad without Cassia!

We then head to the gym for a little work out. Mama gets her exercise in .. and baby enjoys time with her friends. That being said, when she sees me for pick up time, she comes wailing to me like she's in misery.... it is the funniest thing since when she doesn't see me, she is absolutely fine- chatting up a storm with her friends and playing with the toys.


As soon  as Anjali gets in the car, she begins to ask for a cookie-- then it's some milk when she gets home and books until naptime which is usually around 11.


This is when I get lots done, I have a shower, lunch, check my mail, get her lunch ready, watch The View, sometimes even start dinner and begin tidying up. Then at about 12:30 or 1, she wakes up starving... We usually eat the same thing, she just eats more carbs.


As I finish cooking dinner, she plays around me in the family room and kitchen. She helps with the chores and explores the drawers and cupboards-- one time I caught her licking every serving spoon before replacing it. Usually, I do one other cleaning or organising activity and she's right beside me as I do those making a mess  helping me out.

Organising pots and pans!? Is this Christmas?
Hey Mama, need me to sweep?
Here we are for tea time at a friend's house one afternoon.
After snack at three, we normally go running errands. I don't do multiple stores if I can help it as this little lady can only handle so much time in the shopping cart or stroller. Our favourite is guess what??

Recognise the red cart? We frequent there at least once a week.

When we pick up Cassia, it's like they haven't seen each other for a month. They hold hands on the way home. After dinner, they usually play and have a snack together.

These are King's Corn Curls from Trinidad-- this family loves them
The make-shift tent that both girls love! Guess what is on the Christmas list?

Of course when Daddy comes home, all else is forgotten.

Bath time is always lots of fun... 


                                             then it's books... then bed all usually before seven.

So there you go. I just know that one day I will look back at these days and think these were the best days of my life. Yes, I'm exhausted at the end of the day, sometimes I barely sit down but these certainly are happy, blessed days.

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