
Friday, August 28, 2020

Friday Favourites-- Lion's Head!

Happy Friday, lovelies. Back at the beginning of Covid, D was sthinking we should explore something local this summer. I was a bit hesitant but a few weeks ago I caved, a bit last minute as so many people had the same plan. Thankfully, we were able to find a cottage in Lion's Head and we headed there for several days. Lots of hikes,exploring, beach time and ice cream ensued!! Here are a few pics of the first couple days. 

First stop after checking in--- Lions Head Lookout.

Colder than expected, muddy, very slippery and looong... this was not my family's favourite. I think it would have been different on another day.

The lookout from up top was beautiful though.

We brought a lot of our own stuff so here were some not so well plated fish tacos that we had for dinner. Sidenote, I had to buy my family ice cream before dinner to compensate for the hike before LOL.

The owner of the cottage met up with us that night and she gave us the very best ideas for the next day's hike as it was chilly. Here we are at Spirit Rock Conservation Area.

Remnants of a 17 room mansion....

A walk along the beautiful Bruce Trail but along water... Less slippery and beautiful water all along, my fam were in it to win it!!!

A spiral staircase right in the middle of all this vegetation to the water's edge-- it was so cool!! 

We packed a picnic lunch, had it by the water and the next stop was ice cream in the middle of Wierton

Then onto the Bruce Caves which we just happened upon. A certain eight-year old's legs were tired at that point-- good thing she is only 45 pounds.

We loved the Bruce Caves. Formed by the wave action of post glacial Lake Algonquin and some extreme weathering after it was like a beautiful natural playground. A was hopping around on all the different rocks.

After this, we just drove around a bit and just enjoyed some of the beautiful sights of this area.

So much beauty, so close to us!

Have a wonderful weekend, loves!!

Linking up with Andrea. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

What's Up Wednesday- August 2020

Hello, friends!! I have been neglecting this little space of mine quite a bit as we focus on other spaces... more about that below :-). Here's what's been going on in our neck of the woods.

, What’s Up Wednesday {04.29.20}

What we're eating this week:

Eating healthy-ish... 

Monday: basil chicken and roasted cauliflower

Tuesday: salad and fish for a socially distant picnic with some friends.

Wednesday: miso-glazed black cod and cauliflower rice

Thursday: veggie burgers maybe? We try to do meatless....

Friday: maybe some takeout or some sort of finger food Friday. 

The weekend is too far out to make plans ha!

What I'm reminiscing about:

Two weeks ago we visited friends of ours at their beautiful weekend home in Sarnia. We had such a great time with wonderful conversations, delicious food, lots of walks, hot tub and beach time. 

What I'm dreading:

I don't know what it's going to be like for masks all day for my kiddos. I understand the necessity but boy do I feel for them

What I'm loving:

My kids got a hamster this last weekend and I'm really loving all the research and budgeting C did before we bought it. And I was all ready to buy it when we bought everything else and she was like no, we need to prep everything before we bring it home. It's a she and her name is Mochi. D is outnumbered still!

What we've been up to

So many summer walks

And so many beautiful gardens in our hood!

What I'm working on

Sorting out our backyard. We got a retractable awning put in, got some lovely new furniture  and we are also looking at other solutions for shade including planting some mature trees.... 

We are loving these new Adirondack chairs in these fun colours 

What I'm excited about

I think it will be good for the kiddos to go to school. Usually, I am sad at the end of their summer vacay but I think they are ready after 6 months at home.

What I'm watching/reading

We are watching Modern Family Season 1 as a family (and quickly fast-forwarding through a few risque parts!)

I've read so much lately....just finished In Five Years by Rebecca Serle in less than 24 hours. A beautiful, poignant, captivating read. 

What I'm listening to:

My kids.. they sing, giggle, chat, bicker and laugh.. and I know a summer like this will never come again. 

What I'm wearing:

Lots of loose summer dresses! 

What I'm doing this weekend

A hike with some family friends most likely and dinner with our neighbours. 

What else is new:

My kids were so happy with life when my mom sent a little Starbucks gift card for them-- cake pops and donuts for the win!!

This little lady's bun game is on point.

And happy #14 to D and me.... we sneaked out for a little dinner at a new joint...

Have a great week, friends!

 Linking up with  Shay and Shaeffer