
Thursday, April 17, 2014

It's the little things-- like feet!

....Like teeny tiny baby feet. When I first got pregnant with Cassia and told the president of the company, Ed, he was elated. He spoke about the joys of parenting but then he broke into a smile talking about those little feet puttering around everywhere. Ed and I have always had great conversations (humble, hungry and smart, anyone?) but this one I remember most clearly. 

I just love my babies' feet. From the time they were born, those teeny tiny toes had me. From how they curled in, to the little dimples in them to  how very chubby they are. 

The above is actually Cassia's newborn foot, my rings and Darin's hands... cool pic, huh? 

The little feet that once used to amaze me when they crossed at the ankle, slowly began to walk and now run and climb everywhere... and get stubbed ever so often. Now we're at the point where one of them is asking for nail polish... but I digress

As a side note, Anjali is obsessed with her feet and toes as well. She tugs at them and says 'foooot' and 'tos'

  Two for the price of one... or is it four for the price of two?!

I can't believe that I just wrote a whole post about feet!

New link up today with Jess  for  "It's the Little Things". 

Also, I will not be blogging for the next two weeks as we head out to attend my cousin's wedding. But when I come back, I'll have loads of pics and stories to tell. 

Happy Easter everyone!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Week 14 of Twenty-14!

Week 14 of '14 was a very special one, no? Had to be, it was birthday week!!! Take a look at what we've been up to.

Day #99
Just a cross section of presents that I wrapped for my little lady. 
Pink and purple palooza!

Day #100
Happy #100!! I never realised that Cassia's birthday fell on the 100th day of the year. If that doesn't mean she's special, I don't know what does!- You too, Aunty Mala :-))

Day #101
Got me some new highlights in time for spring 
I was also watching past episodes of Scandal on my iPad, sipping a latte and reading trashing magazines.

It's party time!

Daddy daughter barrette and necklace making time.
Intense concentration, huh?

Day #104
Happy Monday!
Time for A's morning power shot
Yes, we're those people who wear Christmas pajamas after the season. 
Hey, she's 20 months and hasn't outgrown them yet. 

Hey there Mr. Winter, I've packed my coats and sweaters away and snow pants are a damn pain to put on a squirmy 20 month old. 
What's with this freak snowfall?! It's April 15th!!

And there you have it. 
Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Party Time!

Cassia's birthday party was this last Saturday. With all of the stuff going on these last couple months, we decided to do something fun but simple so she had her party at Playfit. It's an indoor gym about 5 minutes away from our house. The kids ran around for the majority of the two hours then we had pizza, sandwiches, fruit, juice and cake. She had a blast! 

Here she is on the second story of the climber


We are a slide kinda family!
Seriously, she spent most of her time climbing up and sliding down here

A quick snack break!

Baby mosh pit!
(At least until some big kids came and started to throw these cushions around)

This is Claire, one of Cassia's favourite people.


 Chatting with her peeps!

In case you can't tell, by popular request, it's a Frozen cake. 
I was the world's coolest mom for getting it!

I have this same pic bending over for her last birthday.

Happy birthday sweetie!

Somebody really was a fan of this cake!

Then we came home to open loads of presents. 
And clean up tons of wrapping and packaging.
Maybe next year somebody should get me a PA for her 6th!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Cassia's 5th birthday

On the actual day of Cassia's 5th birthday, it was filled with all of her favourite things

There were presents....

This was her face when she saw the set up 

I let her open presents all through the day but these Beanie Boos were her first

And there were pancakes 

(there were also tears--- it's not your party, Anjali, you can't cry if you want to)

We headed out to Chapters when we picked her up for some reading and fun

Dinner out (she loves dining out)

(the birthday girl really wanted cupcakes)

And lots and lots of love

Hope you had a great day,  my sweet girl.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Look who's five!

Today, my sweet angel turns five. Where has all this time gone? 

Happy Birthday, our little lady. We're so proud of the individual you are becoming. We love how you notice all the small stuff and make a really big deal out of it.We adore how inquisitive you are and the very insightful comments you make. Your lyrical nature and your fancy dance moves brings us so much happiness. We appreciate how kind you are to your friends and family. The one liners you bust out are hilarious! Your sweetness, resilience and independence are just a few of your character traits that we are so proud of. 

As our firstborn, my bond with Cass is special. As a new mom with a (somewhat) colicky baby, those first days were tough. It's kind of like we are war buddies, having survived the dark times, day by day. She became my special little friend-- something that still continues today. She is my mini me! 
And once again, Cassia, just like your fourth birthday post, here's what you've been up to this year...

Here you are on your birthday in April of 2013

 In May, you took your first long road-trip to NYC for Uncle Din's engagement.

You had your first dance recital in June

 In July,  you posed like a flamingo in the Singapore Zoo

Here you are in Malacca, Malaysia in August

First day of Kindergarten (and Montessori) in September

 Halloween in October

Here's our family in November for Divali

And us four in December once again

In January, we bundled up for your coldest winter yet!!!

February was very sad for our family but you made the best of it, playing with your cousins in Trinidad

In March, you became a bonafide reader

And here you are in April once more. 

Cassie, words cannot express the love we have for you or the joy you bring to our lives. We wish you a wonderful year to follow-- one filled with great learning, good health, loads of laughter and extreme happiness.

We love you always!
Mommy, Daddy and Anjali.

For those of you who missed it, check out the twenty (five) questions with the birthday girl posted yesterday.